10:05 AM - 11:10 AM Room 309

1. They are doing what?: What healthy sexual development look like at different ages, Presented by: Emi Canahuati, MA, Certified Sexuality Educator

Description: As a culture we don’t really have a grasp on what is normal healthy sexual development because we don’t often pay attention to it until something goes wrong in the way of abuse or assault. We can’t “judge” something as unhealthy until we have a strong foundation on which to base what is the range for normal, healthy sexual development.

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11:15 AM - 12:20 PM 

Room 306

1. Strong Family Relationships and Sexual Assault Prevention: What’s the Connection?, Presented by: Kayce Matthews

Description: Parents play a crucial role in the healthy sexual development of their children. By establishing open communication and strong relationships with their children, parents help their children develop healthier relationships, minimize rigid gender roles, think critically about media, and develop empathy for others.  All of these outcomes are associated with decreasing the risk that their child will perpetrate sexual violence. Come to this session to share ideas and resources for how we as professionals can support parents in this important work.

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Room 312

2. Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Media & Adolescent Sexual Socialization, Presented by: Magaela C. Bethune

Description: Existing perspectives from life course theory, developmental psychology and social frameworks for human development are reviewed, culminating in a multi-disciplinary, multi-level framework that captures the relevant constructs and relationships. The social ecological framework for adolescent sexual socialization will be used to discuss current research, with emphasis on the changing role of media on adolescent sexual socialization and development and implications for practice.

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