10:05 AM - 11:10 AM Room 318
- Anatomy: Understanding our Bodies and Resisting Shame, Presented by: Leah Roberts
Description: This workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of sexual anatomy. It is essential that young people understand how their bodies function in order for them to make informed choices. This workshop will equip participants with the tools they need to provide young people with accurate, comprehensive, and shame-free information about sexuality, and the body.
[Click here to complete session evaluation.]
11:15 AM - 12:20 PM Room 318
- Anatomy: Understanding our Bodies and Resisting Shame, Presented by: Leah Roberts
Description: This workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of sexual anatomy. It is essential that young people understand how their bodies function in order for them to make informed choices. This workshop will equip participants with the tools they need to provide young people with accurate, comprehensive, and shame-free information about sexuality, and the body.
[Click here to complete session evaluation.]