10:05 AM - 11:10 AM 

Room 310

1. Know Your Worth-Are You in a Healthy Relationship?, Presented by: Veronica Clark

Description: Know Your Worth-Are You in a Healthy Relationship is an interactive workshop that equips adults and youth alike with the ability to define what is a healthy relationship, recognize the cycles of the power and control wheel, identify the risks and consequences of an unhealthy relationship, and learn how to be an active bystander.

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Room 311

2. Truth and Consequences: Helping Teens Make Decisions Based on Future Goals, Presented by: Amy S. Moseley, MA

Description: This workshop will focus on understanding adolescent brain development and difficulty in seeing long-term impact. Participants will be given decision making models to be used with teens to help them walk through the process of making choices to promote decisions with positive consequences and long-term success.

[Click here to complete session evaluation.]


11:15 AM - 12:20 PM Room 307

1. Teaching Healthy Boundaries and Effective Consent, Presented by: Project Safe at Vanderbilt

Description: This workshop is for educators moving beyond the basics of sexual health into teaching adolescents and emerging adults the skills necessary to develop a sexuality that is a reflection of their personal values and sexual expression that respects the values of others.

[Click here to complete session evaluation.]


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