10:05 AM - 11:10 AM Room 308

  1. STI 201: Talking effectively about STI’s, Presented by: Veronica Dress & Elisabeth Bradner

Description: While refreshing knowledge around STIs and their risk factors, we will focus on reducing the stigma associated with STIs and empowering youth to take control of their own sexual health.

[Click here to complete session evaluation.]


11:15 AM - 12:20 PM 

Room 311

  1. Sexually Transmitted Infections in Teens: Changing Outcomes Through Prevention and Intervention, Presented by: Karen Hyden, APN-BC, MSN, Med

Description: This workshop will focus on STI education, national and state level statistics, and research in the area of risk factors for STI infections. Participants will be given protocols for adolescent medical prevention visits, as well as important things to consider when creating sexual behavior health curricula to be used in schools and in the community.

[Click here to complete session evaluation.]


Room 308

  1. STI 201: Talking effectively about STI’s, Presented by: Veronica Dress & Elisabeth Bradner

Description: While refreshing knowledge around STIs and their risk factors, we will focus on reducing the stigma associated with STIs and empowering youth to take control of their own sexual health.

[Click here to complete session evaluation.]



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