Sign into ComCo with Facebook

You can now create an account and log into ComCoefficient with your facebook account! Using your facebook login is a fast, simple, and secure way to connect to ComCo.

Create a new account using your facebook log in

  1. Visit and click the sign in button.
  2. Click the Facebook link.
  3. Authorize ComCo to interact with Facebook. This does not give our application the permission to post to your facebook page.
  4. Accept the Terms of Use
  5. Answer security questions

You are done! You should be logged into ComCoefficient!

Using your facebook log in with an existing an account

Do you already have a ComCo account? You can still sign in with facebook if the email address for your ComCo account and your facebook account are the same. To sign in with facebook,

  1. Visit
  2. Click the Sign In button
  3. Click the Facebook link.

That's it! You should be logged into ComCoefficient!