Sign into ComCo with Facebook
You can now create an account and log into ComCoefficient with your facebook account! Using your facebook login is a fast, simple, and secure way to connect to ComCo.
Create a new account using your facebook log in
- Visit and click the sign in button.
- Click the Facebook link.
- Authorize ComCo to interact with Facebook. This does not give our application the permission to post to your facebook page.
- Accept the Terms of Use
- Answer security questions
You are done! You should be logged into ComCoefficient!
Using your facebook log in with an existing an account
Do you already have a ComCo account? You can still sign in with facebook if the email address for your ComCo account and your facebook account are the same. To sign in with facebook,
- Visit
- Click the Sign In button
- Click the Facebook link.
That's it! You should be logged into ComCoefficient!