Thank you for your interest in supporting Community Achieves!
2015-16 Participating Schools
Antioch High
Bailey Middle Prep
Bordeaux Early Learning Cetner
Buena Vista Elementary
- Cole Elementary
- Dupont Hadley Middle Prep
- Fall-Hamilton Elementary
Glencliff High
GraMar Middle Prep
Hunters Lane High
IT Creswell Arts Magnet Middle Prep
Inglewood Elementary School
Jere Baxter Middle School
Maplewood High
Margaret Allen Middle Prep
McKissack Middle Prep
Napier Elementary
Park Avenue Elementary
Pearl Cohn High
Tusculum Elementary
Whitsitt Elementary
What is Community Achieves?
Community Achieves is a district-led initiative that supports the development of full-service community schools through infrastructure and technical assistance within a collective impact framework.
MNPS recognizes that our schools are an integral part of the community. Reinforcing the link between parents, the community and schools will foster student success. Through Community Achieves, nineteen of our schools will become Community Schools - offering needed resources and support for parents, students, and the community. Each school will assess its needs and work with partners to offer programs focused on four key areas: College and Career Readiness, Family Engagement, Health and Wellness, and Social Services.
Examples of resources that will be available are Family Resource Centers, health clinics, after-school programs, recreation, and classes for adults. Learn more about the community school model.
The mission of Community Achieves is to design full-service community schools through a framework that strategically aligns resources to foster student success. The results focused partnership between parents, the community, and schools will personalize learning for students and lead to stronger families and healthier communities.
Follow MNPS Community Achieves on Twitter
@CommAchievesWhy Community Achieves?
Research has shown that high performing community schools:
- Improve Student Achievement,
- Reduce Mobility,
- Foster stronger relationships,
- Improve family stability,
- Increase teacher satisfaction,
- Create a more positive school environment, and
- Boost Community Pride.
Community Achieves will align the assets of students, families, teachers, and the community around a common goal—improving the success of our young people.
Community Achieves Team and Oversight Committee Alison McArthur, Program Coordinato
Kelly Noser, External Evaluator
Robin Trollinger, Senior SecretaryEric Dewey, United Way
Paul Haynes, NCAC
Melissa Jaggers, Alignment Nashville
Tony Majors, MNPS
Candy Markman, Nashville Public Libraries - NAZAErica Mitchell, United Way
Dr. Bill Paul, Metro Health Department
Renee Pratt, Metro Social Services
Gini Pupo-Walker, MNPS
Sydney Rogers, Alignment Nashville
Ralph Schulz, Chamber of Commerce
Renata Soto, Conexión Américas
Brian Williams, Hands on Nashville
Connie Williams, PENCIL Foundation