Guiding Principles
Alignment Nashville is guided by these principles, which were defined by the organization's founders in 2004.
- The outcome of our work is to enable children to be successful.
- Alignment with MNPS priorities is for the welfare of the community's children.
- The work is designed to support the MNPS Strategic Plan.
- The work is generational.
- The work is focused on those who most need support in order to be successful.
- While we are targeting academics we are focusing on the whole child.
- The work is comprehensive and multifaceted approach designed to enable student success.
These guiding principles ensure that our work focuses on systemic change, or change that involves new ways of applying resources to underlying causes. Systemic change happens when an outcome or goal has been attained; the result is either that the cause of the problem is eliminated, or programs, policies, funding streams and/or services are permanently altered to reduce the impact of the problem on a long-term basis.