PRESENTERS: Upload your workshop materials here.

1. Click in the upper right hand corner of this page and login using the account you created when you first submitted your workshop proposal.

2. Click the  dropdown. Select Basic Document. (Or, select Multiple Documents if you are uploading more than one document.)

3. Click to select a document from your hard drive or desktop. Enter a title and click .

4. Click the  dropdown, and select Subfolder. Name the folder with your workshop title. Click Save.

5. Click and drag your uploaded document(s) into the subfolder you just created.

ATTENDEES: Download materials from any workshop here.

1. Use the search box to look for a specific document, or click the workshop folder from which you'd like to download materials.

2. Once inside the folder, click the down arrow next to the document to download the document to your computer.






How Do You Get To Your Dreams From Here

How Do You Get To Your Dreams From Here

Thumbnail Uploaded by Denise Yeargin, 7/24/15 3:13 PM How do we as teachers, counselors and administrators work within the system we are given and keep the main thing - the main thing. What is the main thing? --- Our Student's Dreams. If we want to reduce the amount of time we have to discipline and attempt to motivate - lets begin working with our students Dreams of a better life.
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Version 1.0

Last Updated by Denise Yeargin
7/24/15 3:13 PM
Status: Approved
How do we as teachers, counselors and administrators work within the system we are given and keep the main thing - the main thing. What is the main thing? --- Our Student's Dreams. If we want to reduce the amount of time we have to discipline and attempt to motivate - lets begin working with our students Dreams of a better life.
Download (3.9MB) Get URL or WebDAV URL.
Version History
Version Date Size  
1.0 9 Years Ago 3.9MB